Chepstow is ‘wild west’ when it comes to parking

The illegal parking problems are not only in Chepstow High Street but also in all other close proximity town centre roads.

Firstly, the problems are not specifically due to drivers wishing to avoid parking fees.

The real problem is cars/vans/lorries etc stopping to collect a Greggs sandwich and coffee or to a lesser degree popping into Boots.

If you stand and observe in the High Street you will plainly see that this is the case.

Secondly, and probably more importantly, is the lack of enforcement in the area.

You are correct in saying that the High Street is a ‘no stopping zone’ but if there is no enforcement it has no effect whatsoever, and frequent visitors know this.

Therefore, the addition of double yellow lines will have no impact whatsoever.

I agree that parking in designated car parks should either be free or much cheaper or contain more half hour free zones.

Chepstow is a dangerous wild west of parking and needs enforcement officers in attendance all day,.

David Neal


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