Extra education funding announced by Welsh Government

Additional funding to support education has been announced by the Welsh Government’s cabinet secretary for education.

Lynne Neagle, who is also MS for Torfaen, has announced an additional £50m in 2024-25 to support education standards and infrastructure across Wales.

She said: “I recognise the financial pressures within the education sector, and I am thankful for the great efforts of the workforce as they continue to operate in such challenging circumstances.

“Since taking up my position as cabinet secretary for education earlier this year, I have listened to our education partners across Wales and understand the challenges they are facing.

“Additional in-year funding will provide much needed support to schools, colleges and other settings to help meet the needs of learners across Wales.

“Twenty million pounds will be provided to schools and settings through the School Standards Grant, boosting this package of support to £180m in 2024-25.

“A further £10m will be used to support ALN provision across Wales to meet the needs of children and young people with ALN.

“Twenty million pounds will be provided for school and college repairs and maintenance through the Sustainable Communities for Learning programme, which is in addition to £30m already provided this year.

“Our Draft Budget, which will be published next week, will focus on our priorities and on ensuring public services continue to deliver for Wales.”

Image Credits and Reference: https://uk.yahoo.com/news/extra-education-funding-announced-welsh-235800260.html