Half of us now have a side hustle, new research shows

A new study shows that almost half us are now part time entrepreneurs as the appetite for side-hustles has exploded. And while some juggle them with their day jobs, by working fewer or flexible hours, others pursue their side projects before or after regular days at work.

The research was commissioned as part of Openreach’s With Every Fibre campaign. Fibre engineer, Hannah Clifford, 34, who spends her days up poles, down holes and in customer homes, connecting them to Openreach’s full fibre network, also spends two hours a night after work wrapping presents for family and friends in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

She said: “It’s a very small venture – but it’s great for earning extra cash to cover additional costs at Christmas. I started a few years ago to help out a family member. Then other members of the family caught on, and before you know it, I was wrapping for everyone!

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“Christmas is such a busy time of year – I think people are just happy to know a task has been ticked off their list and that they’ll have beautifully wrapped presents under the tree.”

Katie Milligan, Chief Commercial Officer at Openreach said: “It’s been incredible for me to discover the entrepreneurial spirit and breadth of side hustles people pursue here at Openreach. We’re an entrepreneurial nation and Openreach people are no different. They engage in everything from passion projects, to crafts, to social media stardom, which give them the opportunity to follow their dreams outside of work.

“The skills and self-belief gained from building a small business or monetising a hobby shouldn’t be underestimated. Confidence, perspective and creativity all get a boost, so it’s not a surprise to hear that people pursuing their passions are more self-fulfilled, engaged and productive when they’re at work.

“We at Openreach think that’s something to be celebrated.”

Image Credits and Reference: https://uk.yahoo.com/news/half-us-now-side-hustle-114913964.html