For Darren Rice and Julie Elizabeth to give four hours of their own time on a Sunday to go litter picking is very public-spirited of them (Argus 3rd Jan).
But for the leader of Newport City Council, Dimitri Batrouni, to join in and help, begs the comment that if he has so much spare time on his hands, why doesn’t he use it to exert more of his influence on the police and courts to catch and convict the litter louts that are despoiling our streets?
Darren Rice is pictured dragging a supermarket trolley from the canal.
Anyone seen pushing one of those trolleys down a road in the opposite direction to the supermarket is surely stealing by finding, because it is certainly not their personal property.
Full marks to Mr Rice and Ms Elizabeth for their endeavours but black marks to NCC for relying on members of the public to unnecessarily tidy up our streets.
A.Greenhalgh, Newport