2024 has been an interesting year; we have seen three different Labour first ministers come and go, with the current incumbent having been selected by a tiny minority of Labour AMs, denying the people of Wales a chance to vote on who leads our country.
Eluned was the only candidate, which says a lot about Labour’s continued decline and lack of talent.
After 25 years of Labour, we have seen NHS waiting lists hit a new all-time high, with 23 per cent of people waiting more than a year for treatment; in England, it’s 3 per cent.
Our education system and economy are in terminal decline.
We see cuts and increased taxes while Labour wastes tens of millions on wokery, and an ever-growing state wants to control every aspect of our lives.
Labour spent £8 million on foreign affairs when it’s not even a devolved matter.
2026 will be an even more interesting year as the people of Wales will have the opportunity to make their voices heard and hold Labour to account.
Cllr Nigel Dix, Blackwood