Every Christmas supermarket shelves are brimming with chocolate delights. Whether it is selection boxes, the golden balls of classic Ferrero Rocher or the tubs of sweets, it is hard to walk down an aisle without coming across them.
One of the first things often to hit the bargain deals is the tubs of Heroes, Roses, Celebrations and Quality Street. And it is often debated which is the best value.
Many people swear every year the amount of sweets is less in each while the price often seems to be on the up. So we decided to see if there really was a difference between the tubs in 2023 and those on the shelves in 2024.
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Last year the we reported how Daniel, posting in Facebook’s Dull Men’s Club, counted the sweets in every tub of Celebrations, Heroes, Quality Street and Roses. He told followers: “This evening we purchased four tubs of Christmas chocolates from Asda. Before any could be eaten I first insisted on conducting a chocolate count for each tub.”
This year we decided to repeat the test and see just what changes have been made – and if the tubs are better or worse value. Dayna Farrington of Birmingham Live tallied up the contents of each as part of a review into the popular chocolates and when we compared the two years there were some surprising results – with one tub having more than a year earlier and another a shocking amount less. Here’s what we found:
Tubs of Quality Street had the most sweets -Credit:Manchester Evening News
Quality Street 2023
5x Toffee Penny
8x Toffee Finger
2x Orange Creme
9x Fudge
8x Strawberry Delight
3x Coconut Eclair
5x The Purple One
7x Caramel Swirl
4x Milk Choc Block
4x The Green Triangle
9x Orange Chocolate Crunch
Total: 64
Quality Street 2024
7x Caramel Swirl – 7
8x Orange Creme
4x Green Triangle
6x Purple One – 6
6x Fudge
7x Strawberry Delight
4x Orange Chocolate Crunch
8x Toffee Finger
4x Milk Chocolate Block
6x Toffee Penny
5x Coconut Eclair
Total: 65
Difference – 1 extra sweet in 2024
Celebrations had seven less than last year -Credit:Dayna Farrington
Celebrations 2023
6x Galaxy Caramel
7x Galaxy
11x Snickers
7x Bounty
11x Milky Way
12x Mars
7x Maltesers
6x Twix
Total: 67
Celebrations 2024
10x Snickers
6x Twirl
9x Mars
7x Malteasers
6x Galaxy Caramel
6x Galaxy
6x Bounty
10x Milky Way
Total: 60
Difference: 7 less than 2023
There were 52 chocolates inside the Roses tub -Credit:Dayna Farrington
Roses 2023
7x Dairy Milk
6x Hazel in Caramel
6x Tangy Orange Creme
6x Caramel
7x Strawberry Dream
5x Country Fudge
6x Golden Barrel
4x Signature Truffle
6x Hazel Whirl
Total: 53
Roses 2024
6x Hazel in Caramel
7x Strawberry Dream
5x Caramel
6x Tangy Orange Creme
7x Cadbury Dairy Milk
4x Signature Truffle
5x Country Fudge
6x Hazel Whirl
6x Golden Barrel – 6
Total = 52
Difference: 1 less than in 2023
A Cadbury’s Heroes selection tub -Credit:Dayna Farrington
Heroes 2023
5x Twirl
9x Dinky Decker
6x Crunchie Bits
7x Creme Egg Twisted
7x Dairy Milk Caramel
7x Dairy Milk
6x Wispa
6x Fudge
8x Eclair
Total: 61
Heroes 2024
8x Eclairs
6x Fudge
6x Wispa
7x Dairy Milk
6x Crunchie Bits
4x Twirl
7x Dairy Milk Caramel
8x Dinky Decker
7x Creme Egg Twisted – 7
Total: 59
Difference: 2 less in 2024
While supermarkets change the price of the deals across the festive season making it hard to say what most shoppers actually pay they all come with a retail price of around £6. The supermarkets usually include all four in any of their deals so effectively people will pay the same price regardless of variety.
The Heroes, Celebrations and Roses all contain 550g of sweets while Quality Street has 600. The difference in weight was clear when you counted the chocolates in 2024 with Quality Street having 65 individual chocolates and the others significantly less
So when you look at the price of the sweets you clearly get much more with Quality Street – especially as you got one extra sweet this year than last. Heroes and Roses both saw a cut in the number of sweets inside the tub. Heroes was down by two to 59 while Roses fell by one to 52.
However the big shock was the Celebrations. In both years the tub has been sold at the same price as the other three, regardless of weight, and it is no different this year but the difference in the number of sweets was significant.
It was down seven chocolates on last year. As every tub contains a relatively random mix of contents the changes could be down to different sweets inside the tubs over the two years.
But whatever the reason if you want more individual sweets there is a clear winner. For more bang for your buck it is Quality Street all the way.